YetAnotherPlugin: Release v0.5.1

Main focus of this update was to clean the code of the plugin and transfer ownership of it from YetAnotherPainter to Augmented brush.

Main focus of this update was to clean the code of the plugin and transfer ownership of it from YetAnotherPainter to Augmented brush. Along with these changes few things were discontinued in favor of Actuator. There is no reason to have a separate feature in the plugin that can be easily replaced with Actuator sequence.

There changes include:

  • Removed: Clean Canvas in favor or Actuator (learn here how to clean canvas with Actuator)
  • Removed: Mirror Copy in favor or Actuator (learn here how to mirror copy with Actuator)
  • Change: Multi-Layer Blend now serves only a docker. Keyboard shortcut is discontinued in favor of Actuator. See how to set Blend Mode with Actuator.
  • Fix: Hue Shift crashes on Krita 5.1.5
  • Fix: Duplicate and offset behaves weird on 5.1.5

Multi-Layer Blend as an Actuator sequence let the user create arbitrary amount of shortcuts. Comparing to what YetAnotherPlugin it was only 5. Another benefit going to Actuator is that any sequence can have meaningful name in shortcuts list.