
Yet Another Plugin is a set of helpers for Krita. The helpers are coming as dockers, actions, menu commands, or keyboard shortcuts.

Yet Another Plugin is a set of helpers for Krita. The helpers are coming as dockers, actions, menu commands, or keyboard shortcuts. Some actions let you speed up image ending like exporting selection or setting the blending mode to multiple layers at a time, others allow you to generate new graphics, like the Repeat Around command.

Everyone who seeks to speed up the process of image creation will benefit from the operations in this plugin.


  • Generate Quantized Gradient. Good for generating color palettes between two colors
  • Shift Hue to desired color (unstable)
  • Repeat Around. Good for exploring circular shapes
  • Export Selection to file
  • Pixel Perfect Rect Selection
  • Multi-Layer Blend Docker
  • Duplicate with Offset