Delice – Development Roadmap

Along with continuous improving of User Experience we aim to develop multiple big features that should improve the quality of work with the application even further. Here the thing we plan to add. The order of mentioned feature does not imply the order of the implementation.

Image bundles

It does not matter how comprehensive the search will be, it will always be needed to create a custom collection of images to specific project. Here we plan to give the artists this posibility.

Text Description for Image Reference

Sometimes just image is not enough. Additional text for the image can improve the quality of reference significantly. We plan to add the ability to add text description to the image or region and also enable the ability to render this text into the Mood Board.

More comprehensive search

Even though it is possible to create simple boards or practice with the search feature we have right now it is sometimes needed to have more strict search. We plan to improve this aspect as well.

Search and remove image duplicates

When managing large amount of references it is unavoidable to stumble upon “cool” reference multiple times and eventually adding this reference multiple times. This feature should prevent adding images that are identical.

Manage videos and animations

Images are not the only source of reference. Sometimes the animation or a short movie explains the concept much better. We plan to extend the application to manage this artifacts as well.